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“My experiences with the Empowerment Avenue Burnout course” - one participant reports

For us it was a real milestone, the world's first digital To be able to offer burnout treatment on a prescription. Now we are all the more happy More about learning how our therapy course is received by participants. Martin (37) completed the course and told us what experiences he made stress and burnout with empowerment. His personal We do not want to withhold experience report. So let's go directly Have a look!

How did you get the idea of ​​trying out a psychological online course?

Martin: After diagnosis from the family doctor, I have quick help wanted. The waiting time for a therapy place was 6 months and more. When I google for online courses, I immediately found it at Empowerment Avenue.

The next time I visit the doctor I had the course on prescription prescribed, after that Get a code from the health insurance company and redeemed at Empowerment Avenue. The Procedere only took 2 weeks.

What was your motivation to register you and what expectations did you have Course?

Martin: After I have read into the topic of burnout, I had to accept that you don't get out of it yourself and probably help in Must claim.

I wanted a quick relief of my symptoms (sleep disorders, irritability, Problems of concentration, hopelessness and fear of the future) bring about. & Nbsp;

Tell We would be happy to see more of your experiences with the Empowerment Avenue Course.

Martin: First of all, it is easier for me to get an online course make about all problems with a therapist, since here the danger there is that the chemistry is wrong and after a few sessions to the next changes.

The course is very simple and you will be even during the lessons stopped to take little breaks. For me the course was during mine Sick leave a kind of replacement - only that I worked for myself.

What was your biggest sense of achievement or your greatest knowledge in the course?

Martin: My greatest sense of achievement was in the Working life under constant current to recognize that I need breaks and how I do this must design so that they are relaxing. As a media professional who was at the push of a button must be creative, it was a real knowledge for me! Everything has only been Turned to performance and success - I only have my empty battery as disturbing perceived and ignored the warning signals of my body and my psyche.

It was also a milestone for me to slowly allow and perceive my feelings. That feelings How waves are and how to ride them and what they actually Want to say, opened my eyes.

What is there you hard?

Martin: The relaxation exercises are very much at the beginning difficult because I was still on permanent current and actually again wanted to work. Letting go under stress and treating me to take a break learn first.

Which course content has made it into your everyday life?

Martin: Since you Course can continue to use after the lessons and I install the app I use one of the exercises for relaxation and regeneration almost every day. Also Is it important to change your behavior and, especially with the exercise, “effective Self -support ” I can improve every day. I analyze here a "bad ” Situation of the day and find the mistake for the future, Then I invite the battery with the re -through a “good situation ” back on. I find this mindfulness training in our stimulating world Meanwhile necessary, because otherwise you will only pass on yourself as well as remotely!

What is your conclusion after the end of the course and how do you feel now? Would you recommend the therapy program?

Martin: I would not only recommend the course, but it Recommend everyone preventively before he tapps into the burnout trap! If I had Worked through this course a year ago, I would never have got sick so badly and could have changed my behavior in good time. I am totally from the course overall enthusiastic, continue to use it daily and can do all lessons again at any time go through when I have the feeling that I need it!

My symptoms described above are mostly completely disappeared or have improved significantly - and that in just a few weeks!

If you were working on Empowerment Avenue for a day, what would you be on the course want to change?

Martin: The look and feeling of the website and app is fantastic and it is It's fun to see and use the course. But there are a few improvement Points. 

If I worked on Empowerment Avenue for a day, I would the sound quality of the Improving videos and exercises so that you can build on the quality of the design can.

Gibt es einen Rat, den du anderen Betroffenen mit auf den Weg geben möchtest?

Martin: I advise everyone who has over a longer period of time Stressed, “the stages of burnout ” to google and when he To react immediately in the middle!

Despite clear symptoms and very strong suffering, I still have months Nothing continued because I just didn't know what was going on with me.

Now I know exactly what is going on with me when I already recognize the early warning sign and can react.